Tuesday, March 30

Sick Day!

I feel like poo. I'm coughy, achy, and tiredy. People around the office have been passing the yuck around. The good news is I had so much fun last week that it's worth the cold.

Monday - Elephants

Tuesday - I don't think I did anything

Wednesday - Blind Tiger hosted a Stone event. I love Stone beers! My new favorites are the Oaked Arrogant Bastard and Stone Smoked Porter with Vanilla Bean cask. I'm heading out to California in a couple of weeks and my girl Leeks said we could check out their brewery in San Diego. So excited!

Thursday - Drinks with my department, then drinks with Chewie at the usual Company bar.

Friday - Hot Tub Time Machine (hysterical!), then drinks in my hood until about 3am.

Saturday - I went to a friend's going away party for a couple of hours. I started feeling crappy during the day, probably because I was hungover and walked around too much Friday night in 35 degree weather. My mom was right all of these years. A huge change in weather totally messes with me. That and drinking four days in a row.

Phew! This week I was booked up too, but I already had to cancel my plans for last night and tonight. Sucks. I need the rest though. I don't want to be sick for my vacation!

1 comment:

Jennifer Juniper said...

I hope you feel better! Go check your emails! ;-) heh