Saturday, May 31

Caffeinated and Horny

I'm so restless today that I can't focus on what to do. I was surprised to wake up at noon so I guess that's why I feel a little off...

Here are all the things I started today and didn't finish:

1. putting up shelves in my closet
2. sewing the bedroom curtains I started making two years ago
3. cleaning out my bedroom
4. cleaning the bathroom
5. writing in my journal
6. painting a picture

I'm not kidding. I seriously attempted all of those things in the past four hours. The only thing I did complete was the movie Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. This is where the horniest comes in: I want to be the corned beef in a Jeff Bridges/Clint Eastwood sandwich. Soooo hot!!

Blerg. I love not having plans on the weekend, I just hate not having a brain. If I'm going to be this dumb and freaky all day I might as well go out and party. I REFUSE to get sucked into a reality TV marathon on MTV, VH1, or Bravo. I have no idea if there's one actually on, but I'm assuming since the East River hasn't turned to blood, either ANTM, Top Chef, or some sort of You Can Dance but Why Do You Think I Care show is on all day. Damn you cable. Damn you to hell.

Sigh. I guess I'll just have to go out tonight...poor me.

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